Search / Editorial / price tag

“The Price Was Extraordinary, Eliciting Gasps in the Saleroom.”

“The Price Was Extraordinary, Eliciting Gasps in the Saleroom.”

With our new series Price Tag, we aim to demystify art auctioning, and debunk the surrounding myths. In each installment, we…

$58 million: “A Bit of a Bargain”

$58 million: “A Bit of a Bargain”

With our series Price Tag, we aim to demystify art auctioning, and debunk the surrounding myths. In each installment, we’ll…

Did Banksy Just Shred His Reputation?

Did Banksy Just Shred His Reputation?

(See all installments of our series, Price Tag, here.)

“You Can’t Mistake Him For Any Other Artist”

“You Can’t Mistake Him For Any Other Artist”

With our series Price Tag, we aim to demystify art auctioning, and debunk the surrounding myths. In each installment, we’ll…

Is $157,200,000 a Lot or a Little?

Is $157,200,000 a Lot or a Little?

With our series Price Tag, we aim to demystify art auctioning, and debunk the surrounding myths. In each installment, we’ll…

How Did an Imaginary Rhino Sell for $866,500?

How Did an Imaginary Rhino Sell for $866,500?

Today, it’s not unusual for a ten year old to know what a rhinoceros looks like. She might even know that they’re herbivores…

How A Pair of Newlywed Portraits Auctioned for $182 Million

How A Pair of Newlywed Portraits Auctioned for $182 Million

With our series Price Tag, we aim to demystify art auctioning, and debunk the surrounding myths. In each installment, we’ll…